NameChairman Tan Sun Chen
EducationPh.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Science, Purdue University
◆ 2、5、8thLegislator, Legislative Yuan
◆ 12、13thMagistrate, Tainan County
◆ Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
◆ Vice Chairman, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
◆ Chairman, International Cooperation and Development Fund
◆ Secretary General, The Office of the President
◆ Secretary General, National Security Council
Current: Chairman, Prospect Foundation
NamePresident I-Chung Lai
EducationPh.D. from Virginia Tech-Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
◆ Visiting Researcher, Cornell University
◆ Executive Director, Mission in the United States, Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)
◆ Special Assistant, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Tokyo
◆ Director General, Department of China Affairs, Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)
◆ Director General, Department of International Affairs, Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)
◆ Vice President, Taiwan Thinktank
Current: President, Prospect Foundation
NameVice President Raymond Chen-En SUNG
EducationDPhil Candidate, Oxford University
◆ Deputy CEO, Taiwan New Constitution Foundation
◆ Director, Taiwan Democracy Watch
◆ Adjunct Legal Adviser, Overseas Fisheries Development Council, ROC(OFDC)
Current: Vice President, Prospect Foundation