「凱達格蘭論壇:2024印太安全對話」將於8月21日登場,本次特別邀請日本前首相野田佳彥、斯洛伐克前總理Eduard Heger及美國前常駐聯合國代表Nikki Haley擔任專題演講人分享珍貴觀點。
The Ketagalan Forum has served as an important platform for Taiwan and the world to discuss key issues and prospects for Indo-Pacific situation. This year on August 21, in addition to panels featuring the best minds in the field, we have invited special guests to give keynote speeches.
We’re honored to have the former prime minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda, the former prime minister of Slovak Republic Eduard Heger and Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley to share their views.
Hit the links below to join us!