09:00-09:30 歡迎暨開幕致詞 Welcome/Introductory Remarks
09:30-09:40 休息 Break
09:40-10:20 開幕專題演講 Opening Keynote Speech
10:20-10:30 休息 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 場次一:臺海安全(臺海、南海及東海之灰色地帶衝突)
Panel I: Security in the Taiwan Strait (Gray-zone Conflict in the Taiwan Strait, South China Sea, and East China Sea)
12:10-13:40 專題演講 Keynote Speech
14:00-15:30 場次二:經濟安全與經濟脅迫(建構經濟韌性與去風險化,以及台灣半導體在穩定全球供應鏈所扮演之角色)
Panel II: Economic Security and Economic Coercion (Building Economic Resilience, De-risking, and the Role of Taiwan’s Semiconductors in Stabilizing Global Supply Chains)
15:30-15:50 休息 Coffee Break
15:50-16:20 專題演講 Keynote Speech
16:20-17:50 場次三:數位民主之實踐與挑戰(數位威權主義如何透過錯假訊息傳播及對民主之影響)
Panel III: The Practice and Challenges of Digital Democracy (How Digital Authoritarianism Is Spread through False Information and Affects Democracy)
17:50-18:10 閉幕致詞 Closing Remarks