
Published 2023/08/04


國際秩序正面臨多重考驗,臺灣在全球及區域安全情勢中扮演何種角色?民主國家能如何共同面對挑戰?「凱達格蘭論壇:2023印太安全對話」將於8月8日登場,特別邀請日本前首相麻生太郎,以及愛沙尼亞前總理Andrus ANSIP擔任專題演講人分享珍貴觀點。



Over the years, the Ketagalan Forum has served as an important platform for Taiwan and the world to discuss key issues and prospects for international cooperation. This year on August 8th, in addition to panels featuring the best minds in the field, we have invited special guests to give keynote speeches. 


This time we're honored to have the former prime minister of Japan ASO Taro, and the former prime minister of the Republic of Estonia Andrus ANSIP to share their views. 
Hit the links below to join us!
